Donkey Fine Art Print – Harry and Norman
This 8” x 10” signed print is packaged in a plastic sleeve and sent with a sturdy white mat board backing. The story of the animal featured is written on the back so you can get to know more about their precious personality and back story.
10% of this sale will be donated to Oscar’s Place for the care of Harry and Norman's Friends. By purchasing my products you are not only supporting me to do more of this work helping animals, you are also supporting the sanctuary and all of the animals that live there!
This bonded pair of best friends had a great life with their owner, Margie. She adopted them from the BLM when they were young. They went hiking together for 20 years and loved each other very much. When Margie was no longer able to care for them, she was devastated. However, she found Oscar’s Place, a donkey sanctuary in Hopland, CA, which had just built an owner surrender village at the ranch. Harry and Norman were some of the first residents to move in. Their presence significantly shaped the owner surrender program as it became clear that Oscar’s Place is for the humans too.
Donkeys can outlive their owners, so knowing there is a place to take care of their donkey family members in their absence can bring peace of mind. I met these two not long after their arrival and fell in love. They were so curious and friendly. We had a good snuggling session, and I decided I would paint them. Their portrait started a partnership between Oscar’s Place and Woollybear Travels. I went back to show Norman his portrait after Harry passed away. Norman himself joined his friend in passing shortly after my visit. I love that they had a whole life full of love and attention, and now they are together again.